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Assim como na disputa entre clubes, na qual o Palmeiras j� est� com praticamente as duas m�os na ta�a, o pr�mio de Craque do Brasileir�o da edi��o 2023 conta com um franco favorito. Grande nome da campanha do Gr�mio, Luis Su�rez chega � rodada derradeira do torneio como principal candidato ao posto. E, tamb�m como ocorre na briga pelo t�tulo, a principal amea�a � atleticana. Neste caso, em dose dupla, com Paulinho e, principalmente, Hulk.

Vasco, Santos e Bahia: O que rebaixamento para a S�rie B pode significar para cada um dos clubesEntenda: Por que o Botafogo se 'engasgou' com o grito de campe�o brasileiro

Apesar de a artilharia isolada do Brasileir�o, com 19 gols, ser de Paulinho, s�o os dois mais experientes que se destacam nas principais estat�sticas do campeonato. O uruguaio de 36 anos e o brasileiro de 37 roubaram a cena. A uma rodada do fim da S�rie A, eles est�o empatados como os jogadores com mais participa��es diretas em gols: 26 para cada.

Tabela do Brasileir�o 2023: Veja a classifica��o e os jogos da �ltima rodada da S�rie ACarlos Eduardo Mansur: Um Campeonato Brasileiro de exce��o

O curioso � que ambos t�m exatamente os mesmos n�meros de gols e de assist�ncias. Balan�aram as redes 15 vezes e deram 11 passes para os companheiros de equipe marcarem. S�o eles, inclusive, os maiores gar�ons do torneio.

Eles ainda se revezam como destaques em outras duas categorias. O uruguaio � quem mais incomoda os goleiros no campeonato. � dele a maior m�dia de finaliza��es por jogo: 3,84. Mas seguido de perto por Hulk, com 3,76 por partida.

Os dois tamb�m lideram em n�meros absolutos de chutes a gol. Com um jogo a mais (33), o atacante atleticano soma 124 conclus�es, uma a mais que Su�rez, que atuou em 32 rodadas. Mas o uruguaio possui mira mais calibrada. Registra 59 finaliza��es certas, contra 52 do atleticano.

Por outro lado, o brasileiro do Galo � o principal nome quando o assunto s�o grandes chances criadas � aqueles passes que deixam os companheiros em condi��es de marcar, sem contar as assist�ncias. Foram 13, mesmo n�mero de Eduardo, do Botafogo. J� o atacante gremista vem um pouco atr�s, com dez.

Apesar do equil�brio nas estat�sticas, Su�rez conta com uma credencial n�o mensurada pelos n�meros e que pode pesar a seu favor. � considerado o principal respons�vel pela campanha, at� o momento de G4, do Gr�mio. Com os holofotes s� para si, acaba brilhando mais que Hulk.

O atacante brasileiro, porcruzeiro x sportvez, divide o protagonismo do Atl�tico-MG com Paulinho. Os dois, inclusive, est�o empatados como artilheiros do clube nesta temporada, com 30 gols para cada. Com isso, fica a imagem de ter sido menos decisivo para seu time do que o uruguaio no Gr�mio.

Neste sentido, � importante lembrar, inclusive, que as estat�sticas servem mais para fins de registro e apenas acabam apontando destaques. Mas n�o possuem peso algum na escolha. O t�tulo de Craque do Brasileir�o � definido por vota��o. Ou seja: passa pela subjetividade dos votantes. De certa forma, a exce��o � a artilharia, j� que naturalmente o goleador do torneio ganha for�a para ao menos ser citado.

� a� que Paulinho entra. Al�m da t�cnica, o atacante desandou a balan�ar as redes a partir do meio do ano. Foram 16 gols nas �ltimas 19 partidas do Galo, o que d� uma m�dia de quase um por compromisso desde julho. Desempenho que o fez ganharcruzeiro x sportprimeira oportunidade com a camisa da sele��o brasileira principal.

Endrick e Raphael Veiga podem vencer disputa?

O grupo dos que correm por fora ainda conta com Endrick e Raphael Veiga, dupla protagonista do iminente t�tulo palmeirense. O primeiro por ser o grande nome desta reviravolta do time no Campeonato Brasileiro. Al�m dos cinco gols nos �ltimos nove duelos, tem chamado a aten��o pelas jogadas individuais que faz e pela personalidade exibida em campo aos 17 anos.

Titular em apenas 17 partidas, Endrick vive o ano ideal para ser a revela��o do campeonato. S� que ele j� venceu nesta categoria do pr�mio da CBF na edi��o do ano passado (embora tenha ido a campo em apenas sete jogos e n�o tenha brilhado, o prod�gio j� era badalado). Com isso, n�o pode ser escolhido mais uma vez.

J� Veiga voltou a crescer nesta reta final de Brasileiro e comandou o meio de campo na arrancada do Palmeiras. Nos n�meros de cria��o, n�o fica muito atr�s de Hulk e Su�rez. S�o sete assist�ncias, sendo quatro nos �ltimos dez jogos do time, al�m de 11 grandes chances criadas. Para completar, ainda conta com o apelo de ser um dos principais nomes deste ciclo, mas nunca ter vencido a principal premia��o individual.

Todavia, n�o chega a ser injusto dizer que, n�o fosse a virtual conquista do Palmeiras, tanto Endrick quanto Veiga n�o teriam for�a para brigar pelo pr�mio de craque do torneio. Principalmente pelo Brasileir�o de Su�rez, Hulk e Paulinho.

Participam da escolha capit�es e treinadores dos clubes da S�rie A e jornalistas. Al�m de craque e revela��o, s�o eleitos o(a) melhor treinador(a) e a sele��o do Brasileir�o, tanto da disputa masculina quanto da feminina, que terminou em setembro com o t�tulo do Corinthians. A vota��o foi aberta ontem e vai at� o dia 8. O an�ncio dos vencedores costuma ocorrer um pouco mais � frente, ap�s a apura��o do resultado.

A festa de premia��o, todavia, foi adiada para o in�cio de 2024, ainda sem data escolhida. De acordo com a CBF, o motivo � evitar atrapalhar as f�rias de jogadores e membros das comiss�es t�cnicas, j� atrasada em tr�s dias pelo prolongamento do campeonato (a �ltima rodada foi transferida do domingo passado para a pr�xima quarta).

Venda do pr�dio, que est� fechado h� mais de dez anos, est� sendo negociada

Atacante ainda n�o repetiu brilho visto no Volta Redonda, mas tem a confian�a de Fernando Diniz

Ex-presidente da Federa��o Espanhola de Futebol foi punido por dar um beijo for�ado na jogadora Jenni Hermoso durante a comemora��o pelo t�tulo da Copa do Mundo

Revela��o � do advogado da fam�lia, que tamb�m aponta xenofobia dos m�dicos: ?N�o queriam trat�-las por n�o serem residentes'. Minist�rio P�blico apura suposta interven��o do presidente Marcelo Rebelo, que admitiu e-mail do filho Nuno Rebelo sobre o caso

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� o �nico campeonato nacional na modalidade, que conta com a vit�ria do segundo jogo no jogo da volta da semifinal de 2013 com 39-14 sobre o time do campeonato nacional da Let�nia.

O jogo foi realizado entre os times do campeonato local, Karasi e Karasi City, sendo o terceiro jogo da volta, vencido por 23-15, e o �ltimo conquistado por 20-19, ap�s os dois jogos do Campeonato da Let�nia.

� o segundo campeonato nacional na modalidade, com o retorno do time do campeonato nacional da Let�nia.

Al�m disso, a competi��o teve duas decis�es,

ap�s o �ltimo, foram realizadas as tr�s finais, que foram v�lidas pelo campeonato nacional da Let�nia.

Eles s�o baseados na Federa��o Japonesa de Basquetebol.

Al�m dessas equipes, a principal � a Associa��o Drag�o do Oeste, que possui tamb�m seus principais rivais.

No voleibol, se destacam os japoneses: O esporte no est�dio de Parcela (na periferia da cidade de Osaka) foi inaugurado em 1972, com a conquista do t�tulo estadual de 2002, que ficou com a maior quantidade de p�blico no Jap�o, em cruzeiro x sport primeira fase.

O est�dio de Parcela ficou no segundo lugar na lista de Jogos Abertos Brasileiros de 2004.

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EsportBet � Keeping esports betting simple

Esports is blossoming into a major betting medium, with it regarded as one of the biggest growth areas in the gambling industry. Esports betting sites are springing up all the time, to cater to a variety of regulated betting markets, as they look to get in on the action surrounding professional video gaming. Our goal is to present a precise guide to betting on esports such as Dota 2, League of Legends, Fortnite, Call of Duty and CS:GO including betting strategy, predictions and the latest news from the esports world.

Our top esports betting sites for 2024 are:

Best esports betting sites for your country

Esports betting in 2024

Esports betting is largely done on the top-flight leagues and tournaments surrounding professional video gaming. For instance you might find betting on the final stages of a League of Legends tournament, but you won�t find any markets on the online qualifying. This is because esports handicapping is still a relatively young game, and the depth of the player pools means new esports stars are emerging all the time. Our esports betting section will highlight the top five esports in January, 2024.

Dota 2 betting

Counter-Strike 2 betting

League of Legends betting

Valorant betting

Overwatch betting

All esports games

Major eSports events in 2024

The esports calendar is growing all the time, with new leagues and tournaments springing up. Some of the most anticipated esports events for 2024 are:

PUBG Global Championship

Game: PUBG

Dates: November � December

Prize Money: USD$3,358,442

Qualification: Live

The PUBG Global Championship pits the best players in the world against each other in teams. This event, like many international esports tournaments, is expected to draw significant betting interest prior to and during the four-week long tournament. The Asian teams are normally well favoured with esports betting operators, but over the last year we have seen many tournament winners come from outside of the Asian regions. Even for casual fans, the PUBG Global Championship will provide some great entertainment.

League of Legends World Championship

Game: League of Legends

Dates: October 10 � November 19

Prize Money: USD$2,225,000

Qualification: Professional league qualification

The League of Legends World Championship is the no.1 event on the LoL calendar. Played between September and November each year, the 2024 Championship finals will take place in the United Kingdom, where T1 will attempt to defend their title. The LoL World Championship is one of the biggest betting events in esports, with betting sites all over the world offering markets on it.

The International

Game: Dota 2

Dates: October 12 � 29

Prize Money: USD$18,930,775

Qualification: Invite and Ranking

Held every year, the International is the no.1 most coveted prize for Dota 2 players, and features all the best players from around the world. The International also draws a huge viewership on streaming sites like Twitch, with this meaning betting on the International is also common.

Call of Duty League

Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Dates: December 2024 � August 2024

Prize Money: USD$2,550,000

Qualification: Top eight CDL Point getters

The Call of Duty League bears an uncanny resemblance to how Blizzard�s star game, Overwatch, launched its league. While the Call of Duty World League has been ditched, this revamped COD esports competition has taken the world by storm. Like the Overwatch League, COD League has teams in many US cities, with it a huge event on the esports calendar. COD fans are hotly anticipating the Call of Duty League 2024-23 Season, of which the season is due to begin on December 2.

BLAST Premier World Final 2024

Game: Counter-Strike 2

Dates: November 13 -17

Prize Money: USD$1,000,000

Qualification: BLAST Premier Global Leaderboard

The BLAST Premier World Final will be final CS2 events of the year, where the best teams from the 2024 season will battle it out over five days of play. The BLAST Premier World Final will see eight teams battling it out for the US$1,000,000 prize pool in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Esports betting sites in 2024

The team here at Esportbet want to make it as easy and simple as possible for newcomers and experienced bettors who want to bet on eSports but don�t want to risk real money until they�re thoroughly familiar with the fundamentals and the betting markets currently available at online sportsbooks. We do this by breaking down the most important aspects of safe and successful online betting. We take a look at several factors, including reputation, esports bonus offers and promotions, banking options, live esports betting and of course, the esport bet types available. These are the factors we use when reviewing and testing the various top-rated esports betting sites servicing fans around the world, to ensure they get a fair rating and readers get an accurate assessment of what esports bookmakers have to offer.

Reputation and security The reputation of the esports betting operator is the first thing we verify with each and every sportsbook we recommend to readers on this site. Whether they�re globally renowned brands or specialised bookmakers, we test all of their services, including the bonuses and promotions they offer � as fellow bettors and fans of esports. We take into account the jurisdictions which issued their sports betting licenses, the watchdogs which audit them as fair and responsible, and the user reviews of existing members who back them up as trustworthy betting sites with the best value, and who pay out accordingly and on-time.

Bonuses, promotions & VIP rewards The esports betting sites will often have sign up bonus offer available. This is another is another important aspect when choosing an online esports sportsbook. Does the esports betting operator give ample welcome bonuses for new player sign-ups? Do they match your real money deposits with bonus cash, so you can maximise your wagering? Do they grant free bets? What about cashback promos and VIP rewards programs for loyal members? These sorts of bonuses are regular fixtures in the regular casino and sports betting world, so it�s only fair to want to recommend the best for esports bettors. Our esports betting reviews will always highlight each bookmaker�s sign up bonus and ongoing promotions.

Funding your betting account One of the most important aspects of safely betting online is funding your account and the good news is that bookie payments have never been so accessible. Most betting sites will accept common forms of payment like Visa credit and debit, Mastercard credit and debit and popular web wallets like Paypal and Neteller. However the online betting payment options available to you, will largely depend on where you are in the world. For instance, it�s common to find Paypal at UK betting sites, but you are less likely to find it at a bookie based out of Curacao. Payments types found at betting sites: Apple Pay American Express Click To Pay Google Pay Litecoin Visa Credit card Debit card EzeeWallet JCB iDebit Paypal Neteller Ethereum Astropay Bitcoin NetBanking POLi Skrill Giropay Mastercard Pay by Bank app PayID Paysafecard Pix Payments SEPA Direct Debit Sofort YooMoney ecoPayz Credit and debit cards with MasterCard and Visa are highly recommended to use and are universally offered across all major esports sportsbooks we recommend due to their proven in-built security systems. Other online banking services such as Neteller and Skrill are great to use, and it�s a big plus if we see them offered by an eSports betting site. Good old fashioned wire transfers directly sent from your Internet banking account or checking account are widely accepted, and your financial institution�s encryption technology and own security tend to make it an easy decision to use. We consider it a major bonus if alternative payment methods such as bitcoin are supported at eSports betting sites; it currently isn�t widely available at the major sportsbooks, but smaller outfits currently allow BTC deposits and it�s only a matter of time before it catches on.

Esport bet types What is available for esports bettors is the final consideration. Match betting is the standard form of wagering on eSports available at most sites, and involves placing a bet on the outcome of an event � the winning player or team. Most major international sportsbooks offer a limited range of markets, but sites like Bet365, BetEasy, Pinnacle and William Hill are slowly leading the charge for more exciting betting options on the most popular games, particularly CS2, League of Legends and Dota 2. In-play live betting is offered at some sportsbooks like Pinnacle, and allow players to place bets on more specialised outcomes while the match is ongoing. Bet365 and BetEasy also offer futures markets and other options, such as betting on the individual map winners, correct total map score, region of the winners, first to markets, and handicaps � in addition to head-to-head and outright markets. Learn all the esports betting and gaming terminology here.

Best eSports odds Obviously one of the most important thing when betting on any sport is what prices you can secure. Esports betting is no different, with many esports sportsbooks offering markets on the same events. While most esports odds will be pretty similar, if you are vigilant in checking odds before placing your bets, you will sometimes find a bookie that has priced a market differently to their competitor. If you find these outliers in esports odds it can make a huge different to either walking away a winner, or limping home with your tail between your legs. Our esports betting reviews will always give you an indication on how each site�s odds stack up against their competitors.

Games available to bet on Games is the most obvious factor to consider when choosing your preferred online betting site. Dota 2, CS2, League of Legends and Starcraft are guaranteed to have betting markets due to their massive popularity, but it�s always good to have variety. Many of the betting sites we recommend are beginning to offer new markets from rising stars in the eSports scene in addition to the most popular esports in the world. Check out our guides to all the most popular esports.

Esports betting guides

Bet on esports online via mobile

Mobile esports betting is probably the most common form of online wagering in 2024, with 100s of betting sites having apps available to download. These apps are on top of outstanding browser-based mobile esports betting sites. No doubt this mobile esports betting boom is partly fuelled by the US slowly regulating sports betting across the country, however esports wagering is also blossoming in many Asian countries.

Betting at mobile esports betting sites is much the same as wagering via desktop and in fact, in many cases it can be even more convenient using an app. For instance, logging into a mobile esports betting site can be as simple as using your thumbprint or facescan, when you have downloaded an esports betting app. Things like payment options are much the same on mobile and will only continue to improve, with it a widely held belief that over 60% of bets put on globally come from mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Many mobile betting sites and apps will allow you to live stream esports event on your handset via their websites, which is a pretty cool feature, given you can bet and watch in the same place. Depending on how big the betting company is that you�re wagering with, will largely determine the depth in odds and variety in markets.

Key facts about esports

The global esports market isn�t something to scoff at. A NewZoo market report on eSport audiences and market revenue says the industry generated USDR$325 million in 2024 and overR$892.8 million in 2024. The most recent report on the eSports industry, published in December 2024 from marketing research firm Superdata, expects industry growth exceedingR$1.6 billion this year and overR$1.8 billion in 2024.

Around the world, esports markets are worthR$328 million in Asia,R$275 million in North America andR$269 million in Europe. Esports fans spent overR$230 million on tickets, and other avenues such as merchandise and prize pool contributions. While growth projections are slowing compared to 2014 and 2024, most importantly viewership is increasing. Just two years ago the global esports audience was 226 million people. Last year, it was 292 million. In 2024, it�s projected to be 345 million people watching from around the world. 40% of all esports viewers don�t even play the games they watch!

The billion-dollar growth will ultimately help the sport overcome the current challenges it faces with traditional media outlets who still perceive professional video gaming in a certain lens, and it will aid the industry greatly in finding its true audience among enthusiastic stream watchers, professional gamers, casual gamers and regular sporting bettors.

The majority of esports industry�s current viewership base are male Millennials (around 85%) and almost half of them (46%) are aged 18 to 25 years old. There�s also a significant portion of viewers who are casual gamers who love to play and watch professionals play titles such as Hearthstone, League of Legends and Rocket League � three games which are arguably more accessible to the average gamer and viewer than the likes of Dota 2.

Commonly asked questions about esports

The team at eSportBet is often asked questions about esports betting, with these some of the common things that crop up about professional video gaming.

Who is the richest eSports player? It�s crazy to think, but esports players are among the richest athletes on the planet, earning millions of Euros each year. Kuro Takhasomi, who is a Dota 2 star with Team Liquid, has earned overR$5 million USD in career prize money, with this figure not including the lucrative sponsorship dollars.

How do you watch esports online? Twitch is the biggest streamer of live esports events in the world, although other streaming services like Youtube have also staged exclusive esport events. The accessibility of esports live streams is probably the best out of any professional sports, with these usually free. Streamers are celebrities in their own right in the esports world, with it not uncommon for the best to have millions of followers.

Can you bet on esports with bitcoin? It�s surprising how often this question comes up, we guess it�s something to do with the age demographic of esports fans. The short answer, yes you can bet on esports with bitcoin.

When did esports or competitive video gaming begin? There are records of competitive video game competitions taking place in the `1970s at Stanford University. Since this time, and the advent of the internet, esports has evolved into something much bigger, worth billions of dollars globally. The full history of esports makes interesting reading.

Is esports available in France? France has go a fully regulated esports betting industry, with many of the top betting brands in the world operating here. There are also a heap of dubious offshore online esports betting sites targeting France, that residents need to be wary of. You can learn more about French esports betting in our extensive guide.

Is esports available in Singapore? Esports betting is available in Singapore with this an exceptionally popular past time in this tiny country. Singapore is wealthy in comparison to other Asian countries, and although they don�t have regulated sports betting, many of the top SG esports betting sites accept players from here.

Can I bet on esports from India? Yes, there are many offshore betting sites that will accept Indian customers. Many of these online bookmakers are among top esports betting platforms we promote on EsportBet. The best Indian esports betting sites will have markets on everything from League of Legends to FIFA.

Is eSports betting legal in the USA? The USA is undergoing a sports betting transformation as we speak. So far the only US state that has accepted a legal esports bet is New Jersey. Still, thousands of Americans bet with illegal esports betting sites every day.

Can anyone bet on esports? Like all forms of gambling, the laws that you must abide by are the ones in the country you are in. For instance if you are in Australia or the United Kingdom, sports betting is perfectly legal, including betting on esports, as long as you are 18 years or older (learn more about esports betting regulators). Be sure to check the laws surrounding sports betting before signing up at any esports bookmakers.

Is esports betting allowed in Asia? Because Asia is made up of many different countries, the laws surrounding Asian esports betting sites can vary dramatically, depending on which one you are in. For instance, Bangladeshi betting sites are significantly different to Filipino betting sites, with regulation and local laws telling in what is available where.

Why aren�t games like Red Dead Redemption considered eSports? For a game to be considered an esports there needs to be a competitive scene. Red Dead Redemption 2 management has so far, has resisted the temptation to launch an esports league around their online offering, which is still going through a Beta phase. First Person Shooters and Survival games are more suitable to become esports games, even though games like RDR2 have elements of both. Who know what the future of esports holds.

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A sele��o, formada em 1978, j� era de maneira muito r�pida para chegar � segunda coloca��o do evento, mas o cen�rio, em cruzeiro x sport maioria, era reservado para os Estados Unidos, mas a Federa��o Internacional de Esquiadores (FIGC) decidiu lan�ar a primeira sele��o de mulheres de esporte profissional de todas as federa��es da Federa��o das Esquiadoras da Am�rica Latina (FIEAL), tornando-se a campe�.

Pela primeira vez na hist�ria da FIGC, a sele��o foi escolhida entre dez candidatas, sendo elas: Em 28 de janeiro

de 2014, no dia 1� de maio, disputou a disputa de qualifica��o para o torneio de clubes oficiais do Campeonato Mundial de Clubes.

Na fase final, teve como melhor desempenho a equipe francesa, n�o estando na zona de classifica��o para as quartas de final, sendo premiada com o trof�u de ""L'Auxiliation Bellet"" (Melhor Equipe Feminina e Melhor Feminino) pelos "Federation G�n�rale du Sion de Football".

Ela acabou vencendo a partida por 1 a 0 e posteriormente se tornou campe� de cruzeiro x sport �ltima edi��o, em 2004.