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Arthur Barros da Silva gostava de jogar futebol na praia � [img}: Arquivo Pessoal
Um menino, de 12 anos, morreu em decorr�ncia de uma fratura no tornozelo sofrida em uma partida de futebol em Guaruj�, no litoral de S�o Paulo. A fam�lia de Arthur
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�A UPA liberou o meu sobrinho avisando que n�o tinha fratura, que era uma simples luxa��o�, afirmou a tia. Ela disse que Arthur foi liberado para voltar para casa com uma receita m�dica indicando medicamentos para aliviar a dor.Por�m, o menino continuou sentindo dores e com o tornozelo inchado e foi levado novamente � UPA. Na unidade, a Tia contou ao aviator betano site oficial
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Menina de 9 anos que estuda
SulCasal celebra 70 anos de casamento na pista de dan�a em festa surpresa no litoral de SP; V�DEO
Dores e avalia��o com um m�dico vascular
Segundo Fabiana, dois dias depois Arthur continuou com dores fortes e foi encaminhado para a UPA da Enseada, que o transferiu novamente para o HSA. No hospital foi internado para avalia��o para uma avalia��o de um vascular.
�No decorrer da madrugada, ele j� vinha passando mal e eu pedi que a m�dica subisse pra
medicado. A m�dica n�o subiu e, na manh� do dia seguinte [27 de novembro], meu sobrinho veio a �bito�, lamentou a tia.
Arthur Barros da Silva faleceu aos 12 anos, em Guaruj� (SP) �
: Arquivo Pessoal
Embolia pulmonar em crian�as � [imgs}, a pediatra e reumatologista infantil Heloiza Ventura explicou que a embolia pulmonar � bem mais rara em Crian�as do que em adultos. ""
cansa�o, com dispneia, at� que ela tem uma parada cardiorrespirat�ria mesmo", afirmou.
A especialista explicou que o quadro � raro em jovens, pois comorbidades costumam aparecer na fase adulta. "Mas a gente tem que sempre observar alguns fatores de risco", disse ela, ao citar que alguns traumas favorecem neoplasias, cardiopatias e podem favorecer o tromboembolismo pulmonar."Fraturas, como a de Arthur, podem aumentar a chance de trombos
diagn�stico pode ser dif�cil pelo fato do quadro ser raro em crian�as e pelos exames espec�ficos necess�rios.
diagn�stico de doen�as graves que pode levar ao �bito rapidamente e a
Fabiana registrou um boletim de ocorr�ncia por morte suspeita na Delegacia Sede de Guaruj� e buscou aux�lio jur�dico com o advogado Airton Sinto, pois, segundo ela, houve neglig�ncia m�dica.Ela citou principalmente o
"� uma doen�a grave que a gente utiliza a heparina para tentar diminuir aquele trombo e melhorar a respira��o da crian�a
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essa neglig�ncia e o evento �bito dessa crian�a�, explicou Sinto.
De acordo com ele, no primeiro momento a defesa ir� avaliar a documenta��o e acionar os �rg�os competentes para que sejam dados esclarecimentos para a fam�lia. Em seguida, o advogado ir� adotar as medidas cab�veis, inclusive no �mbito de responsabiliza��o criminal.Respostas
Em nota, a Prefeitura de Guaruj� informou que lamenta profundamente a morte do jovem e "presta condol�ncias aos familiares". Ainda segundo a administra��o municipal
paciente foi prontamente atendido e medicado nas unidades de sa�de.
"Devido � fratura, foi encaminhado, por duas vezes, ao Hospital Santo Amaro. Contudo, foram aberto um processo administrativo para apura��o", afirmou. "Devido ao fratura.�
O HospitalSanto Amaro disse que existe uma queixa formalizada na Ouvidoria da unidade com rela��o � m�dica citada. 'Importante salientar que n�o h� reclama��o em rela��o ao servi�o prestado pelo Hospital Sant Amaro", informou."Em rela��o a evento,
an�lise da Comiss�o de �bito, com a queixa registrada no setor de ouvidoria anexada. Aguarda-se o resultado e, de acordo com o apontamento desta comiss�o, o caso segue � Comiss�o da �tica, para devidas provid�ncias. Tratam-� de comiss�es apropriadas para investigar o evento", finaliza o texto.
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Betano Android App � Download and Install Mobile App
Downloading the Betano app on an Android device requires visiting the Betano website and clicking the download button, then following a few simple steps to install the .apk file on your device.
To download the Betano app on an Android device, the following steps should be taken:
Go to the Betano website on your Android device and click on the �Download for Android� button. The .apk file will start downloading. Once the download is complete, go to your device�s �Downloads� folder and click on the .apk file. A pop-up will appear asking if you want to install the app. Click �Install�. The app will then be installed on your device and can be found in your app drawer. Download Betano for Android
Step-by-Step Instruction for Betano App Installation on Android Devices
Installing the Betano app on your Android device is a simple task, with this guide providing a step-by-step approach:
Open the Google Play Store on your Android device. Utilize the search bar to search �Betano� and select the official app from the results. Tap the �Install� button to initiate the downloading process. Upon completion, the app will automatically install on your device. Launch the app, sign in to your account, or create a new one. Access a vast range of sports betting options and casino games once signed in. Note that your device must fulfil minimum system requirements for proper app functioning, which can be checked on the Google Play Store app page.
By adhering to these simple steps, you will swiftly install the Betano app on your Android device and experience the perks of mobile sports betting and casino gaming. The app boasts user-friendly navigation and a broad range of betting options and games.
Betano Mobile App for iOS: Download and Installation
The Betano app is also available for iOS devices, providing users with the advantage of mobile sports betting and casino gaming on their iPhone or iPad. The download and installation process for iOS devices is similar to that of Android devices.
Open the App Store on your iOS device and search for �Betano�. Tap �Get� to download and install the app. Launch the app, sign in to your account, or create a new one. Access a broad range of sports betting options and casino games. Manage your account, perform deposits and withdrawals, and access customer support. Reap the benefits of placing bets and playing casino games on-the-go. User-friendly navigation simplifies finding games and betting options. The app is constantly updated to the latest version, matching the Android version�s features. Download Betano for iOS
Comparing Betano Mobile Website and App: Which is Ideal for Your Needs?
Both the Betano mobile website and app offer convenient access to the platform�s sports betting options and casino games, with certain differences to ponder when choosing.
The mobile website can be accessed through any browser on your mobile device and does not require downloading, ideal for devices incompatible with the app or for those who prefer not to consume storage space. The mobile website also offers the same features as the app, including live betting, pre-match betting, and casino games.
On the other hand, the app offers a smooth, user-friendly experience. Specifically designed for mobile devices, navigation is intuitive and seamless. The app also enables push notifications for important updates and offers and is always up-to-date with the latest version and features, unlike the mobile website that may not always be current.
Features of Betano�s Mobile Application
Betano�s mobile app offers a comprehensive set of features to enhance your sports betting and casino gaming experience on-the-go. Let�s take a look at some of the app�s most notable attributes:
In-Play Wagers : Place bets on live events as they unfold, elevating the excitement and energy of betting.
: Place bets on live events as they unfold, elevating the excitement and energy of betting. Pre-Match Bets : Have the opportunity to place bets on future events prior to their start.
: Have the opportunity to place bets on future events prior to their start. Casino Offerings : A vast collection of games awaits, including slots, table games, and live casino games.
: A vast collection of games awaits, including slots, table games, and live casino games. Account Administration : Manage your account, make deposits and withdrawals, access customer support with ease.
: Manage your account, make deposits and withdrawals, access customer support with ease. Intuitive Navigation : Effortlessly locate your desired games and betting options.
: Effortlessly locate your desired games and betting options. Live Stats & Scores : Stay updated on events and make informed betting decisions with real-time statistics.
: Stay updated on events and make informed betting decisions with real-time statistics. Cash Out Option : Exercise the option to cash out your bet before the conclusion of an event.
: Exercise the option to cash out your bet before the conclusion of an event. Push Notifications: Stay informed on the latest events, promotions and offers via instant notifications.
These features are carefully crafted to optimize your mobile betting and gaming experience, ensuring that it remains smooth and user-friendly. The app is also consistently updated to offer the most updated version of the experience for its users.
The Advantages of Betano�s Mobile Bonus
Betano offers a suite of mobile bonuses for its users, adding an extra layer of reward for using the mobile app. Here are a few of the benefits:
Welcome Bonus : New users receive a bonus upon sign-up and their first deposit through the mobile app.
: New users receive a bonus upon sign-up and their first deposit through the mobile app. Reload Bonus : Existing users receive a bonus when they make a deposit through the mobile app.
: Existing users receive a bonus when they make a deposit through the mobile app. Free Bets : Receive free bets by placing a certain number of bets through the mobile app.
: Receive free bets by placing a certain number of bets through the mobile app. Promotions: Betano frequently offers promotions and special offers specifically for mobile app users.
These bonuses and promotions offer added value, increasing your chances of winning and encourage frequent use of the mobile app through incentivization.
Betano Mobile App Requirements for Android and iOS
The Betano mobile app can be enjoyed on both Android and iOS devices, but certain system specifications must be met for seamless operation.
For Android, a minimum of Android 4.4 (KitKat) is needed along with 100MB of free storage at the least. It is recommended to have a more up-to-date Android version and a minimum of 1GB RAM for optimal performance.
On the other hand, iOS users require a device with iOS 9.0 or a later version and compatible with iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Like Android, it is also recommended to have 100MB of free storage space for better performance.
Before downloading the app, make sure your device meets the required specifications. Failing to do so may result in a poorly running app.
Moreover, a stable internet connection is necessary to fully utilize the app, whether it�s for placing bets or playing casino games.
In conclusion, Betano�s mobile app is designed to work on a wide range of devices, but for the best performance, the latest OS version and sufficient storage space are recommended.
Betano Mobile App Payment Options
The Betano mobile app offers multiple payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, making account management a breeze. Some of the options include:
Credit cards : Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro are accepted with a minimum deposit of �10 and a maximum of �5,000.
: Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro are accepted with a minimum deposit of �10 and a maximum of �5,000. E-wallets : Skrill and Neteller are supported with a minimum deposit of �10 and a maximum of �5,000.
: Skrill and Neteller are supported with a minimum deposit of �10 and a maximum of �5,000. Bank transfers: With a minimum deposit of �10 and a maximum of �50,000.
All payment methods are secure and reliable, and deposits are processed immediately. Withdrawals may take a little longer, with processing times of 1-3 days based on the chosen method.
Users can view their transaction history and manage account settings directly from the mobile app, making it effortless to keep track of their balance and manage their funds. The Betano mobile app offers a convenient and secure way to manage your account and transactions on the go.
Deposit Methods Withdrawal Methods Payment Method Deposit Minimum Deposit Maximum Time for Deposit Taxes Bank Wire Transfer N/A N/A N/A 8 Free Withdrawals / Month Skrill �5 �10,000 Instantly 8 Free Withdrawals / Month Trustly �10 �30,000 Instantly 8 Free Withdrawals / Month Paysafe Card �5 �1,000 Instantly Free PayPal �15 �5,000 Instantly Free Credit Cards �5 �40,000 Instantly 8 Free Withdrawals / Month GiroPay �10 �10,000 Instantly Klarna �5 �40,000 Instantly Payment Method Withdrawal Minimum Withdrawal Maximum Time for Withdrawal Taxes Bank Wire Transfer �20 �10,000 1-3 Working Days 8 Free Withdrawals / Month Skrill �10 �10,000 Within the day 8 Free Withdrawals / Month Trustly �10 �20,000 Next working day 8 Free Withdrawals / Month Paysafe Card �10 �2,500 Within the day Free PayPal �15 �5,000 Within the day Free Credit Cards �10 �10,000 2-5 Working Days 8 Free Withdrawals / Month GiroPay N/A N/A N/A Klarna N/A N/A N/A
Betano�s Mobile Portal to a World of Sports Betting and Casino Gaming
Betano�s mobile application presents a universe of sports betting and casino gaming to its users, with an emphasis on delivering the finest odds and markets. Among the diverse sports available for betting on the app are:
Ice hockey
By downloading the Betano app, available for both Android and iOS, users can journey into the realm of sports betting, where a comprehensive list of all the sports available awaits. Simply navigate to the Sports section, select your desired sport, and behold the available markets and odds.
Placing bets is made effortless with Betano�s mobile application, as it provides a clear and concise step-by-step guide:
Choose the sport and market of your preference from the list. Decide on the odds you would like to bet on. Enter the amount you wish to bet in the bet slip. Click the �Place bet� button to confirm the bet.
Betano�s mobile app also allows users to access their betting history and manage their account settings with ease, enabling them to keep track of their bets and manage their funds in a secure and convenient manner.
Betano�s Casino App
Betano�s mobile application expands its offerings beyond sports betting, with a wide range of casino games ready for users to play. Among the popular games available on the app are:
Live casino games
By downloading the Betano app, available for both Android and iOS, users can immerse themselves in the exciting world of casino gaming. Navigate to the Casino section to discover a list of all the games available to play. Select your desired game and start playing.
Betano�s casino games are organized into categories, including slots, table games, and live casino games, offering a wealth of options for players to choose from.
The step-by-step guide to playing casino games on Betano�s mobile application is as follows:
Choose your preferred game from the list. Select the bet amount. Start playing by clicking the �Play� button. View game rules and instructions by clicking the �Info� button.
As with sports betting, Betano�s mobile app allows users to keep track of their gaming history and manage their account settings with ease, ensuring a secure and convenient gaming experience.
Betano Poker App
The Betano mobile application presents a bewildering array of poker games for users to test their skills and strategies. From Texas Hold�em to Omaha, Seven Card Stud, Razz, and Five Card Draw, the app comprises some of the most sought-after games in the poker world.
To access the plethora of poker games on offer, users need only open the Betano mobile app, which is available on both Android and iOS devices. Once the app is opened, users can navigate to the Poker section, where they�ll be greeted with a comprehensive list of all the games available. Then, users can simply pick their preferred game and embark on a journey of unpredictability and excitement.
The diverse variations of poker games offered on the Betano mobile app, such as Texas Hold�em, Omaha, Seven Card Stud, etc., provide users with a vast array of options to select from, further increasing the degree of unpredictability.
Is the Betano Mobile App a Safe and Secure Bet?
The answer is an affirmative yes. The Betano mobile app employs the latest encryption technology to safeguard user data and transactions, transmitting all personal information and financial transactions over a secure connection to protect against any unauthorized access.
Moreover, the app undergoes frequent audits by independent third-party companies to maintain industry standards for security and fairness. The Betano mobile app also has a stringent policy against fraud and collusion, and the company employs a robust fraud detection system to detect and prevent any malicious activities on the app. To add an extra layer of security, users can activate two-factor authentication on their account.
In conclusion, the Betano mobile app offers a safe and secure environment for users to indulge in sports betting, casino games, and poker games. The app�s perplexing and unpredictable nature, combined with its robust security measures, makes for an exciting and secure experience for all users.
App Support: Getting Help and Troubleshooting
The mobile app provides several options for users to get help and troubleshoot issues while using the app. Here are the options available:
Live chat support : Users can initiate a chat with a customer support representative directly through the app.
: Users can initiate a chat with a customer support representative directly through the app. Email support : Users can send an email to the support team with their issue.
: Users can send an email to the support team with their issue. Phone support : Users can call the customer support team for assistance.
: Users can call the customer support team for assistance. FAQ section : Users can find solutions to common questions and issues.
: Users can find solutions to common questions and issues. Support website: Users can visit the Betano mobile app support website for more information and resources.
Overall, Betano app offers a comprehensive support system to help users with any issues they may encounter while using the app.
New Features and Improvements
The Android and iOS app are regularly updated to provide users with new features and improvements. Some of the latest updates include new games, improved functionality, and bug fixes. To stay informed about future updates, users can check the app store for available updates or subscribe to Betano�s newsletter for notifications. Some of the recent improvements are:
New casino games added
Improved navigation and user interface
Enhanced security measures
Bug fixes and performance improvements
Availability of new payment methods
Addition of new sport events and markets
Improved live-betting experience.
It is recommended to keep the app updated to have the best experience while using the app.
5 Customer Reviews of the Betano App
�The utilization of the Betano app has brought about a paradigm shift in my betting experience, with its intuitive interface, vast variety of sports and casino games, and quick and secure payment options. I have been a satisfied user for several months now and am thoroughly impressed with the level of excellence demonstrated by the app. It is without hesitation that I recommend this app to anyone seeking a trustworthy and engaging betting experience.� �The Betano app has been a mainstay in my betting routine for over a year, consistently delivering an unrivaled experience marked by its exceptional customer service, unbeatable odds and markets, and seamless functionality. I have never encountered any issues, making this app the gold standard in my book. I highly endorse it to others seeking the ultimate betting app.� �My foray into the world of betting through the Betano app has been a positive one, marked by its smooth operation, variety of sports and casino games, and the live betting feature, which adds an extra layer of excitement. I have been using the app for several months and am pleased with my experience. I would recommend it to anyone seeking a well-rounded betting app.� �My experience with the Betano app has been underwhelming, as the cluttered interface and persistent crashing issues have proved to be a hindrance. The customer service has also been unhelpful, leaving much to be desired. I would not recommend this app to others.� �My journey with the Betano app has just begun, and though it has shown promise with its user-friendly interface and variety of games, I have yet to form a concrete opinion. Nonetheless, my initial experience has been satisfactory and I am hopeful for a positive outcome in the future.�
Company�s credentials and history
Betano, an online sportsbook and casino operator based in Malta, has a well-established history, dating back to its inception in the year 2024. The company, having garnered licensure from distinguished regulatory bodies such as the Malta Gaming Authority, the Swedish Gambling Authority, and the German Schleswig-Holstein state, operates under stringent standards of credibility and trustworthiness.
Betano has received certification from reputed, independent auditing companies such as GLI (Gaming Laboratories International) and iTech Labs, who have thoroughly vetted and confirmed the fairness and security of the company�s gaming offerings. With a proven track record and the backing of regulatory oversight, Betano stands as a trusted and dependable choice for online gambling aficionados.
How do I download the Betano app on Android? You can download the Betano app on Android by visiting the Betano website and clicking on the �Download for Android� button. The app will then be downloaded and installed on your device. Is the Betano app available on iOS? Yes, the Betano app is available for download on the App Store for iOS devices. Can I access all the same features on the mobile app as I can on the website? Yes, the mobile app has the same features as the website, including sports betting, casino games, and poker. Is my personal and financial information safe on the mobile app? Yes, the Betano mobile app uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to ensure the safety and security of all user information. Can I make deposits and withdrawals on the mobile app? Yes, you can make deposits and withdrawals on the mobile app using a variety of payment methods, including credit card, e-wallet, and bank transfer. Can I access the Betano mobile website on my Android or iOS device? Yes, you can access the Betano mobile website by typing in the URL into your device�s browser. However, for a better user experience, we recommend using the Betano mobile app. Is the Betano mobile website and app the same? The Betano mobile website and app have similar features, but the app may offer additional functionality and a more seamless user experience. It�s up to you to decide which one is best for your needs.
Betano app: Final Verdict with all Pros & Cons
As a team of seasoned betting experts, we�ve meticulously analyzed the Betano mobile app, available on both Android and iOS, and have arrived at a verdict � this app is a comprehensive, seamless and unparalleled experience for mobile bettors. Let�s delve into the various aspects that make this app truly unique:
Pros A plethora of sports betting options, replete with competitive odds and diverse markets
A cornucopia of casino games, featuring both popular titles and exclusive offerings
A dedicated poker app with a bevy of variations to choose from
An interface that is both user-friendly and intuitive
Multiple payment options that are fast, secure and convenient
Regular updates, with new features and improvements being added all the time
Strong security measures to ensure the protection of user data and transactions
Cons Limited support options
Absence of live streaming for certain events
Despite these few drawbacks, we can confidently assert that the Betano mobile app and mobile version are dependable and user-friendly choices for anyone seeking to engage in sports betting, casino gaming, and poker on the go. With its wide range of betting options, games and secure payment options, and its regular updates, the Betano app is an excellent option for all types of bettors.
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